Spider-Man - C-c-combo C-c-commander

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Martymaus · 203

“It's about time someone points out how much good I've done for this city.”


My second Spider-man deck with a Genius plus mental resouces spin, this time focusing on the Leadership aspect. The mental/wild resources are at 57.5% of the cards in the deck for Spidey/PP. This will prove valuable for our use of Adam Warlock and help with card drawing with Black Cat and Moon Girl.

The crux of this deck is Command Team and Inspiring Presence for use with our "Warriors Three": Adam Warlock, Goliath, and Venom. You will be using their special abilities multiple times for massive damage. The joy of CT's is you can have all 3 out, no limit on how many in play. IP heals off a damage from the ally, allowing them to act again. Let's profile each of these warriors:

  1. Adam Warlock. With our heavy mental resource deck, we have a decent probability of doing 4 damage each time Adam attacks. What I really love about Adam is not just the 4 damage potential; it's the versatility. We get to mix and match his bonus: thwart for 1 if you're working on a pesky scheme, then do the 3 damage. Or remove a tough, then do the 3 damage. Or attack a minion, then deal 3 damage to the villain with retaliation without getting retaliated against. When you chain this with IP/CT, you're during a lot of damage with Adam in a turn.

  2. Goliath. Not as great as AW (and his slightly lower cost at 3), but Goliath is no one to mock at. Goliath can boost +4 ATK but you have to discard him at the end of that phase. Being at the end of the phase, versus end of the attack (i.e. Last Stand), you can still trigger it multiple times in a turn by readying him again. Think of Goliath doing 15 damage in a turn before getting discarded (5 ATK 3 times); I know, I get goosebumps when I think of it, and an absolute thrill when I experience it. With Goliath's health at 4, and 2 consequential damage for attacking / 1 consequential damage for thwarting, you need to plan him appropriately.

    If you have a CT and 1 IP in hand. 15 damage in 1 turn. Trigger his damage boost -- attack. IP to heal 1 and attack again. CT to ready, attack, then discard.

    If you have only CT's. 2 thwart, 10 damage in 2 turns. Thwart once (2 thwart is not bad). Wait a turn. Then trigger his damage boost -- attack. CT to ready, attack, then discard. Or if you only need to unload 10 damage, have him attack twice on the first turn.

    If you have 2 CT's and Team Training (giving him 5 health). 15 damage in 1 turn. Trigger his damage boost -- attack. CT to ready, attack. CT to ready, attack, then discard.

  3. Venom. Last but not least, as long as you've got 2 tokens on 1 Command center, it's generally safe to play Venom. You can do 6 damage one turn (2 x 3 ATK damage), deal damage from the 2 encounter cards (random 0-6 damage), and then do another 6 damage (2 x 3 ATK damage) the next turn. Then, discard him, and avoid getting another encounter card the following villain phase. We're talking ~15 damage output from Venom over 2 of your turns + 1 villain phase.

    NOTE: Try to avoid having Venom out when you have to reshuffle your own deck. 3 encounter cards during the villain phase if you're the first player is unpleasant.

    Honorable mention: If we're in need of some thwarting, get some extra mileage out of Professor X's 3 thwart by using CT/IP to ready him, as he stays in until the end of the round.

    Extra C-c-c-combo: Beyond extending their health with Team Training, use the last bit of health with Last Stand to get an extra 3 damage burst.

    So how do we support our dream team?

    a. Resource and card generation to play our CT's alongside dream team. PP/SM's abilities help with this, on top of cheap resource generators -- Clarity of Purpose and Ingenuity.

    b. Ally cycling cards like Make the Call, Regroup, Med Lab, and Rapid Response. While we've got 3 warriors to pick from, our choices expand when we have abilities to keep them in play. Since their abilities are about using their basics, we don't have to worry about "When Revealed" technical triggers. Rapid Response is good for getting them back in play, although it's sad that they are losing 2 utilizations (they have to be defeated to trigger, and then 1 damage is dealt when they come back into play). Regroup gets them back into your hand, which is best for Black Cat and Moon Girl, but still requires they get defeated. It's more costly than RR, but at least they come at a slight discount (added to your hand after you've made your redrawn up to your hand size). Make the Call is the more expensive way to play, but the only way to pull them out of the discard when consequential damage puts them there.

    Except, well, there's Med Lab. With Last Stand, the consequential damage will discard the ally before LS's discard, providing you an opportunity to put the ally into the Med Lab if you'd like to trigger it. But the downside is you have to be in AE to play the ally from ML. ML is best for allies BC, Ironheart, and MG (especially MG, since you can only play her in AE anyway).

    c. Card drawing allies to get to our Warriors Three, the CT's, and our supporting cards. Maria Hill, Ironheart, Black Cat, and Moon Girl get in play, have utility, give us cards, and then can chump block. They can also be useful with a Last Stand to damage deal, or otherwise clear the ally limit.

    NOTE: Black Panther gives us the ability to attach a leadership event from the discard pile and play it as if it was from our hand. There's some great options here between LS, IP, and MTC. But BP costs 4. Too expensive for me to include.

    But why Spider-man?

    a. Spider-man helps us with card and resource generation. PP's alter-ego resource generator can be great for playing a needed early game card, and the genius trait can help us play an early Ingenuity or Moon Girl, who is like an extra mulligan when played right, plus she gets in play with 2 THW / 2 ATK. And there's always those trusty Web-Shooters. BC with the 55% mental resources should be getting you at least 1 mental resource when she's played. AW, Goliath, and Venom aren't cheap, so we need to be able to afford to play them.

    b. Spider-man takes the heat from the villain attacks. You'll be defending nearly always, and with 3 base defense, on top of a card draw, that's great. Add to that your Backflips, and you're ability to cancel out treacheries (Enhanced Spider-Sense, very useful with Venom), you'll have a stronger ability to control the game state. I don't play Webbed Up as much with this deck (it has its uses, thank you Ultron), as I prefer to trigger Spider-Sense for the card draw. We have some chump allies to handle double attacks -- MH, PX, Iironheart, and even BC as needed. BC's value is for her card draw in this deck, not her 1 damage attack, although I like it for removing tough's. If you need to flip to AE, Aunt May helps you get back in the action quickly.

    c. When you're not getting the Warriors Three in hand, there's a lot to be said to a Swinging Web Kick to one-shot an elite minion, or do damage to the villain.

    Handling mulligans: Hard mulligan for the most important cards.

    1 Command Team

    2 Moon Girl (If you draw Moon Girl, chances are you'll be able to play her and draw 3 cards back, so don't dump her)

    3 Ingenuity (cheap resource generator that has to be played in AE, do it at the start)

    4 Clarity of Purpose (attach to yourself)

    5 Web-shooters (they can cover themselves, spend your mental resource to get them in play, switch to Hero to cover their opportunity cost on other cards)

    NOTE: Try not to mulligan your hero #1, Adam Warlock if you can help it, but getting Command Team's out is most important. BC is usually a pretty cheap play with her trigger, and she has more value early on.


Jul 14, 2023 josseroo · 696

Adam Warlock is my favourite ally in the game so you had my attention immediately. I've never tried to include the Venom Ally in this type of deck though. Fun idea!

Personally, in Command Team decks I really like Nick Fury since he's leaving play anyway so squeezing an extra activation out of him first feels like a freebie.

I get the Inspiring Presence include, but with Goliath as the only target, it seems like it would often be a dead card.

How are you finding Last Stand? I'm never happy with it when I try to include it.

Jul 14, 2023 Martymaus · 203

@josseroo Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, Venom struck me as a suddenly valuable play in this deck, and it's worked great. Nick Fury I could see making sense (also mental resource), I just happen to prefer it on Professor X who similarly discards at end of round. It's that 3 THW that I like.

As for Inspiring Presence, it's not limited to Goliath -- any ally can be the target, as long as you are in hero form. It reads, "Play only if your identity has the AVENGER trait. Hero Action: Heal 1 damage from an ally and ready it." So Spider-man has the Avengers trait (another reason this deck is for Spider-man), which is his Hero form, so he can apply it to any ally he wants. The target doesn't need to be the avenger. You can only play it if you're an avenger.

Last Stand I think works well in this deck, and that's because when you have the CT's out and an ally out, they're ready for use. You just need to get LS in there. Given Spidey's good card draw abilities, and many allies out there, it pulls out to be useful many times in this particular deck. It hasn't worked for me as well in others. It's pretty fabulous to use it on MG/BC/Ironheart for last consequential, then have them go to the Med Lab, and flip to AE to play them and get good card draws again. But the AE flip is only circumstantially useful. Luckily, they stay there until you're ready.

Jul 14, 2023 josseroo · 696

Oops, yes. My mistake about Inspiring Presence. Your point is good about all the card potentially helping out with Last Stand. I will need to give this a go.