There's too many events...

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jflatmo · 67

Cakewalks most villains, not quite all of them.


Jul 06, 2023 neothechosen · 10124

Looks nice! One question though: what is the purpose of Web of Life and Destiny? Is it for multiplayer ?

Aug 08, 2023 FistsTornAsunder · 1

I honestly don't see the need for Desperate Defense when Gwen readies herself after defending regardless of the outcome. Same for Web of Life and Destiny, considering you're not running a single Web Warrior ally.

Aug 18, 2023 jflatmo · 67

@neothechosen - Web of life and Destiny was honestly a mistake stemming from deriving the deck from someone else's and subsequently removing the ally cards I wasn't using... and not making the obvious connection that the WoLaD was no longer useful. It's removed on my current (yet unpublished) version.

@FistsTornAsunder: See above regarding WoLaD. Desperate Defense has a couple roles - first is just keeping more defense events running. The +2 DEF makes it reasonably likely she won't take any damage but I still played a defense card, which is critical for Flow Like Water, Hard to Ignore, and Unflappable. The "ready" ability, which mimics her hero ability, becomes critical if she's minion blocking, treachery card allowing 2nd villain attack, etc - especially since most of her kit requires her to use a basic power before she can use her other events. This deck is REALLY focused on HEAVY reaction during the villain phase, with some good attack/event/attack again combos in her turn if there's cards/resources left over AND she's still on her feet. Her really low thwart means it's VERY hard to come back from an AE turn, so it's important to not take any damage during the villain phase, even if she's being attacked by multiple villain/minion/treachery attacks. I'm hoping we can find some decent protection aspect thwarting cards during the xforce wave because unless you get multiple Hard to Ignores up, she can lose to threat, especially if a side scheme throws up a crisis icon.