Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Enviola · 1

This deck is so strong. Using [Hard Knocks] with (/card/19016)[Wolverine's Claws] is really nice especially because toughness on Wolverine makes using the claws 100% free. However, (/card/35002)Mutant Protectors is the real star of this deck. The combos it opens up for you are just "MWAH!" *chef's kiss!

My favorite targets are: Polaris (target herself with toughness if needed for a free block)

Professor X for obvious reasons.

Rockslide Cheese the cost. Huge health pool can usually take the hit with no problem while also chipping back a little bit with Retaliate.

Colossus Toughness.

And of course, Nightcrawler He can BAMF himself in and out of play for free blocks.

Also, something really fun/funny/cheesy happens when you manage to get both Berserker Frenzy AND Unflappable on the board at the same time...

Also Also, The Night Nurse is just a fantastic card!