Thor - Brawler

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MadCheetah · 1

This deck will try to make the most out of Thor in it's hero state. At the start of the game you immediately have the oppertunity to search for Mjolnir, which gives you a weapon upgrade & an extra 1 attack. This enables the hammer throw cards (3x) as well as the mean swing cards (3x). Other than that, this deck revolves around using the early turns of the game to upgrade your character with resource generating cards such as God of thunder (2x), Enhanced physique (2x) & Enhanced reflexes (2x) and to upgrade with multiple cards that give you extra damage on your basic attack. The Tenacity (2x), Battle fury (2x) & Lady Sif (1x) cards will increase the uptime of your already upgraded basic attacks.

Naturally, you would like your 2 support locations in play as soon as possible, to increase your card draw & hand limit.

With this deck setup you would like to engage an enemy minion at least once each phase, because of thor's Hero ability, that lets him draw an extra 2 cards. On top of that you have several overkill hero action cards & your strong basic attacks to deal with any minions engaged with you, despite having only 2 allies in your deck.

Being mostly in hero state will make you take quite some damage too, which is mitigated by some upgrade cards as well. Still, you will probably have to swap to alter-ego state a few times to both heal up & to trigger the extra card draw from Hall of heroes. Ideally you do this when you have the For Asgard card in hand, so you use this oppertunity to search an Asgard card, most fitted for the current situation. Your Hero has limited thwart skills, so you may want to be paired up with a deck that mostly deals with that.

PS: Ultron is the dream villian for you (constantly enabling your hero passive)