Iron Maiden

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Iron Maiden 0 0 0 1.0
SCL 15.4 - Iron Maiden Redux 1 0 0 1.0

VillainTheory · 27338

Unusual X-Men Decks: #1 - Iron Maiden

Shadowcat in Leadership is already strange, but Leadership with only two allies added? Even weirder. But all you really need is Iron Man - and you have an almost 80% chance to find him on Turn 1 thanks to Call for Aid!

You provide the defense, Iron Man provides almost everything else. Upgrade him to the nines. Profit. Win. When fully upgraded, Iron Man is dealing 6 damage or 4 threat removal +1 damage every turn - and he loves Game Time.

Pepper? Fired. Kitty? Hired!

  • Get Up and Game! takes the Iron Maiden up against Venom! Check out the full video here!

  • And check out Night of the Living Card Game going up against Expert Absorbing Man here!

Tony + Kitty


  • Archetype: Voltron (heavily upgrading an ally)
  • Difficulty: Above Average
  • Recommended Player Count: Any (1-4)
  • Ideal Aspect Partners: Justice
  • Ideal Hero Partners: Anyone with fast/minimal setup (Nova, Gamora, Wolverine, etc!)
  • Matchups to Avoid: Scenarios which steal allies (Mysterio, Loki, etc)

Mulligan aggressively for Iron Man or Call for Aid - and I mean aggressively. Ditch all 6 cards if you don't see either in your initial hand! Find him as fast as possible. (And let's face it, Tony is probably at the bar.)

Including 3x Call For Aid along with Iron Man himself, we have a 77.5% chance to get Iron Man on our first turn if we potentially mulligan everything. Then, assuming you go to hero form and stay there, a 90% chance to see him on Turn 2 and 96.5% chance to see him on Turn 3.

Next, check the clock - it's Game Time! Make Iron Man an Honorary X-Men and give him some Danger Room Training. This is your top priority - Game Time can effectively be a 0-cost card for 6 damage. Or 0-cost for 4 threat removal + 1 damage.

Heal Repair Iron Man with First Aid. Innovation is great for this too. Never let him be defeated. Keep an eye on where your First Aids are and moderate your use of him if you have to. Meanwhile, focus on defending with Shadowcat and, once Iron Man is in play, aim to end each turn in Phased form or with Phased and Confused in play.

We run 3x Call for Aid, 3x Honorary X-Men, and 2x Danger Room Training. Why so many? To consistently get the deck online. Everything has to be played in the right order and this ups our odds of being able to do so quickly. Feed the spares to Plan B and Machine Man.

Because of the nature of playing and setting up Iron Man, this deck has a slight preference to avoid scenarios that start with multiple encounter cards in play. Also, watch out for modular sets like Enchantress, Whispers of Paranoia, and Mystique! They will steal your Iron Man. Or outright delete him.

Be the bodyguard he deserves - during the game and when setting it up!

Iron Man and Shadowcat can thwart well but are better at dealing damage between Solid, Sidearm and Power Gloves. This means they prefer to have a Justice player in multiplayer - but will still do great with any aspects and in solo play!

Mulligan Priorities:

Other Tips:

  • If Plan B is in play, Machine Man is lower priority - and vice versa. You won't often need two resource sinks.

  • Did you know you can overpay with Innovation and still get its effects? Even on a 0-cost card? Sometimes this is useful!

  • You still want to try and end every turn in Phased form like most Shadowcat decks. If you can't end in Phased but you have Phased and Confused in hand, playing it goes up in priority. You can also save the confuse from it on an earlier turn to duck into alter-ego.

  • If you get unlucky and see all your Danger Room Trainings before getting Iron Man in play, once he is in play? You can use Call for Aid to reset your deck since there are no other Avengers - just make sure you can deal with the encounter card!

  • Use Quick Shift. Every time. If both copies are still in your deck, Phased and Confused becomes a much lower priority (as it can prevent you playing Quick Shift, your best signature card).

  • Iron Man is expensive and will cost your whole turn. Try to play him as early as possible while you still have hp and the main scheme's threat threshold to play with. The turn you play him? A huge tempo loss. Every turn following that? Enormous tempo gains.

  • Throw a spare Honorary X-Men on yourself. It will thin your deck and +1 hp never hurts!

Good luck!


Jun 08, 2023 TunaDuck · 2

Really fun deck, Josh did a great job showing it off, but you of course crushed its creation. With the idea that we don't necessarily want to be in AI, as opposed to blocking while in Phased. Is there a universe where we drop Innovation for X-Mansion?

Jun 08, 2023 VillainTheory · 27338

@TunaDuck Thanks and yes, I think there is a universe where we drop Innovation for X-Mansion. While I don't think this deck ever wants to go alter-ego enough to get the necessary value from X-Mansion to make it worth the cost to play it, it's a great inclusion in multiplayer games with another Mutant-traited identity who could trigger it for us whenever they went alter-ego.

Jun 09, 2023 Anathorien · 2

Nice Deck, I would'nt thought using Iron Man with Kitty Pride, but with any X-Men it should be really strong. Quick question : did you try Sky Cycle ? Does it makes you kill Iron Man quicker than you can heal him ?

Jun 09, 2023 dafair · 7

I want to try this deck, but with Clarity of Purpose on Iron Man... I wouldn't want to kill him by dealing the damage, but the resource could be helpful. Might just be a crazy idea... I've never actually put Clarity on an Ally before, but this deck seems to be all about keeping IM around, so it might be well suited to it.

Jun 09, 2023 VillainTheory · 27338

@Anathorien Yes I tried it! I think Sky-Cycle can be pretty good for him in solo, but it it does vary a lot. If you get a perfect spread of First Aids and Innovation through your deck, you can generally keep him well-healed. If you draw all three First Aids in one turn, you're in for a bad time with Sky-Cycle. But once setup you can use Sky-Cycle to burst through the villain's hp if you happen to have a very healthy Tony Stark.

In multiplayer, I think the games take longer to the point Sky-Cycle really does just drain his hp. There's still a case for it, but I don't think I'd cut anything for it personally unless you're willing to be risk fewer Honorary X-Men or Call for Aids that help set him up in the first place.

If you can get someone to regularly use X-Mansion for you, though, or have someone play Med Team and heal him with it, I think it's extremely viable and an auto-include.

@dafair The problem with Clarity of Purpose on an ally is that, at that point, you may as well have played Avenger's Mansion or Helicarrier when you consider the combined cost. Here, if you use Clarity to generate two resources, you will have dealt two damage to him. It will basically cost that to heal him back up with First Aid and thus there is no profit. (And of course using it also means less hp to use on all his boosted ATK/THW with this deck!)

Jun 10, 2023 josseroo · 702

I played a ton of different voltron decks at Con of Heroes this year and this would have been a great addition to the quiver. Danger Room Training and Game Time is a great combo for these decks

Jun 10, 2023 Marctimmins89 · 298

Voltron decks are my favourite style to play, and this looks perfect. Bravo sir! So cool.

Jun 11, 2023 KanakAttack · 1

Awesome deck VT!! Thanks!

Jun 11, 2023 VillainTheory · 27338

Thanks all! Glad you like it!

Jun 13, 2023 Str0ngstyle · 1

All I can really say about this deck is Nice. only cycled my deck once before making Expert Sandman my you know what. My Iron Man did show up on turn 1 with Call for Aid, but he wasn't swinging for the fences because a lot of my upgrades were discarded in order to find him lol. Once I reshuffled the player deck tho... oh the beating he put on Sandman.

Jun 16, 2023 cmaka74 · 10

Another great deck. I was able to weather the Whispers of Paranoia encounter deck, even if Delusions of Collusion turned Iron Man off for 3-4 turns (Get out of the bar, Tony!). One game, I had everything on IM except Power Gauntlet and drew all three Game Times. Spoiler alert: the villain did not survive that turn.

Jun 16, 2023 VillainTheory · 27338

@Str0ngstyle Sweet! Yeah, sometimes you have to catch a few upgrades on the second pass, but you rarely ever need a third pass. Because the villain is gone.

@cmaka74 OOF! I already said this on Discord but that is a nightmare mod for this deck haha! Great job overcoming it. Also wow! I never hit the triple Game Time in any of my testing. That is the dream play and sounds awesome.

Jun 17, 2023 Telepayeet · 38

I just tested this deck against Green Goblin on heroic and it was a smooth game. Awesome and funny deck, one of my favorites. Thank you :D