Ms. Marvel Serves up some Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cmaka74 · 10

Updated to include cards from the Hulk pack

This deck is intended to be a primary thwarting option in a multiplayer game with her kit.

Threat removal

  • For Justice! The mainstay of any Justice deck
  • Shrink Increasing any Thwart event removal by 2 seems good
  • Sneak By Like For Justice!, but with out the +1 kicker
  • Stealth Strike May be used more for the damage output than threat removal, depending on how minion heavy the scenario is

Threat prevention
  • Concussive Blow Damage and Confuse is very useful
  • Counterintelligence Great way to have on demand threat prevention sitting on the table
  • Foiled! Given how often Ms. Marvel likes to flip, this is an effective way to minimize the villain’s scheming
Thwarting allies
  • Daredevil Good, if a bit expensive, thwarting ally who gives out ping damage
  • Jessica Jones Depending on side schemes, she is either mediocre or amazing
  • Lockjaw The two consequential damage isn’t ideal, but playing Lockjaw from the discard pile is great for those occasional dead hand that seem to plague Ms. Marvel
  • Red Dagger Solid stats and cost
Other thwarting related cards
  • Under Surveillance (may better with lower player counts)
  • Beat Cop An amazing card, especially if you can get them out early
  • Quake (ping damage as minions invariably scheme)

Aug 21, 2020 Bowser · 37

Looks good, I think if you are playing any preparation cards, you should try to make room for Agent Coulson. He can net you a card, and 6 thwart (or 4 thwart and a block). Perhaps instead of Jessica Jones.

Aug 21, 2020 cmaka74 · 10

@Bowser Yeah, I’m testing that now and think you’re right. I had a few games where I got swamped with side schemes, hence Jessica. But for most games, I think that Coulson will end up being stronger.