Incredibly Lonely Hulk

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

925 Gamers · 191

So hulk has always been a lonely guy. He doesn't play well with others. So I went with that theme. The aggression aspect has no cheap allies (except Hulk Ally but we can't play him). So why bother playing them in the deck. He doesn't need allies but he does need a partner (more on that later). Hulk's Cards are all pretty expensive already and so why not throw in a bunch of zero cost cards to help him do what he does best, ATTACK!

With Combat training, boundless rage, and Jarnbjorn out, you could possibly pull of a Hulk smash, skilled strike, mean swing for a whopping 20 damage in a single turn. Also with these tools equipped you could do a 1 cost 5 damage crushing blow, attack for 5, and then jarnbjorn for a total of 12 damage! You could also attack for 5 damage, Unstoppable force, attack again for 5, and Jarnbjorn for 12 damage.

All in all you could be doing 5-20 damage per turn with the right cards! This deck needs a partner though (which doesn't make sense with the name). Playing it solo is really difficult. If you want to play solo. your only option is to smash before the enemy finishes the main scheme. There are a few options to mitigate Scheme, namely to the rescue (physical resource) and sub-orbital leap, to buy you another turn or two.

My recommendation is to play Captain Marvel Justice aspect. She can give hulk the card Draw he needs regularly with her ability and high hand size to get quincarrier, mansion, and helicarrier into play! Plus she also has triple energy resources to get beat cops into play to deal with threat every turn and use those to deal with guard minions that would otherwise stop hulk from attacking the villain.

Let me know what y'all think! This is my first deck build and would love to hear constructive criticism! Let me know if I can change anything!