Nebula Leadership Attach and Draw

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SupremeBenevolentOverlord · 13

The objective of this deck is to play Honorary Guardian on Nebula so she can stay in AE, have the larger hand size, get the card draw from playing her techniques, and still benefit from Guardians of the Galaxy. Since these two cards are so critical to the functioning of the deck, you will want to mulligan hard for them, even at the expense of Nebula's Ship and Helicarrier. Two copies of each are included to increase the probability of hitting them early. Once you've played them on yourself, the extra copies become resource cards, or you can play them on other heroes to get them permanently out of your deck.

The next step is to load up her board with Guardian allies kitted out with upgrades. Because there's no limit on Guardians of the Galaxy, each upgrade you attach to an ally basically pays for itself. With Team Training in play, an ally with all five upgrades attached has +2 THW, +3 ATK with overkill and ranged, and +5 hit points, making them more powerful than many heroes and returning more than enough value to warrant the extra scheming the villain will do. However, with Knowhere and The Triskelion you will want to go as wide as you can and match the upgrades to the way you need to use the allies you have out.

The card draw potential in this deck is massive. You will want to spend a lot of time in AE, but not exclusively as you need to be in hero form to play "Welcome Aboard", and you will want to reclaim Nebula's techniques from the board to continue fueling the card-draw engine. Even though it is hefty at the max of 50 cards, 35 of those have the potential to trigger draws on play, so you should be able to tear through this deck at lightning speed. With a standard 40-card deck most heroes take about 8 turns to reset. With this deck you should be drawing 2-3 additional cards every turn, making it possible for you get through it the first time in just 5 turns.

The biggest risk of this deck is drawing a hand of all ally upgrades and "Welcome Aboard"s with no way to play a Nebula upgrade, one of your supports, an ally, or an attachment on an ally. You need to pay attention to what's in your discard pile and what you've already played on your allies to minimize the chances of hitting a dead hand with no card draw.