Black Panther Draws the Blade of Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SupremeBenevolentOverlord · 13

The key to any Black Panther deck is hitting Wakanda Forever! over and over again, and the key to hitting Wakanda Forever! is thinning the deck and card draw, so these are common themes in almost all Black Panther build. This deck is no different in that it is designed to be thin and fast. With 12 upgrades, 3 supports, and 4 allies, nearly half of the deck is designed to stay on the board for multiple turns, if not permanently. In fact, the allies are not really there for their stats, they're included because they are Avengers and their primary mission is to ready Black Panther with Earth's Mightiest Heroes. For Blade readying Panther is his only mission. He's cheap to play but expensive to use -- unless all you're doing is exhausting him. Get him out as soon as you can and resist the urge to chump block with him even if you have another Avenger ally in play. Shuri, on the other hand is the ally you want to recycle as quickly as possible, because she's not an Avenger and pulls the upgrades you need to get on the board from your deck. If the scenario you're facing is heavy on side schemes, you may want to substitute an Assess the Situation and a Clear the Area with a pair of Chance Encounter to pull her back into your hand quickly.