Open the Card Bay doors, mon ami

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

celric · 441

I was a little surprised to see no one had already published a deck like this, so I guess it’s my turn to share.

This is a deck for multi-hero games where Gambit is negating the majority of villain attacks.

Including his signature ally, Remy can have 5 X-men come into play with Tough. That alone would make for a strong Mutant Protectors package, but Hangar Bay makes those allies soar even higher.

Either you’ll get to use your ally after it blocked an attack or it’ll block a second attack in the same villain phase.

MP is not a “hero” action, so with Honorary X-Men you can even play it from Alter-ego.

The deck recycles all it’s key cards easily too: Defensive Training for MP, X-Men Instruction for your allies, and Mutant Education for Natural Agility.

You’ll occasionally chip in with some damage or threat, but I’m enjoying how many attacks you can stop without using your hero.