Yellow Hulk

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kjsd · 13

As have been noted over and over again Hulk suffers from a lot of RNG. This is true for this deck as well of course but I have tried to mitigate as far as possible. This is how; Only one card in the whole deck costs more than 3. I have been going back and forth weather to include Nick Fury or Daredevil. With DD the deck is slightly more stable since Power of Justice will help play him but not NF.

Beat Cop is the MVP of the deck and helps stabilize faster. Together with Interrogation Room and the 5 allies this is the main way to keep threat from building up. With Concussive Blow I find it that I often can afford to flip over to AE often enough to get more use of Banner's Lab as well as get that extra hand size whereas Sub-Orbital Leap and For Justice can help recover after unforeseen scheming.

Down Time is certainly a flex-slot. It could easily be a Nick Fury if you find it that you are drawing better than what I do. Alternatively it could perhaps be turned into a Followed, Stealth Strike or even a Heroic Intuition.