Shadowcat Protection Vs. Absorbing Man with Power Drain Solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

yodaman1971 · 68

This is the deck I ended up running in Solo Champions League Season 14 Round 3 vs. Absorbing Man with Power Drain. Since I decided to go X-Men this round, I ended up with Shadowcat. Decided to go Protection since I didn't hear many people talking about that aspect. Definitely was a bit slower than I would have liked, even with cards like Powerful Punch and her own damage cards mainly because it was tricker to clear threat than I wanted. Probably should have tweaked the deck a bit to get more threat removal, but I just didn't have time. Powerful Punch was certainly helpful. I didn't really end up using Unflappable or Nerves of Steel much. It seemed. Overall, the deck functions fine even though I'm sure I could have made it better.

All that being said, I did end up with 3 completely clean wins. I'm sure people who used other aspects were probably much faster though.

Game 1 - 7 Rounds, 11 HP left between Shadowcat and allies. (0 threat on schemes, no minions)

Game 2 - 9 Rounds, 11 HP left betwen Shadowcat and allies (0 threat on schemes, no minions). I was set up to win on about round 7 this game when I flipped Shadows of the Past, took me a couple more turns to clean up White Queen, the nemesis Side Scheme and the Hellfire Pawn that came out after defeating the nemesis side scheme. That's how it goes.

Game 3 - 5 Rounds. 9 HP left between Shadowcat and allies. My quickest game with this deck even considering the practice games. Things just lined up pretty well and the only reason I didn't end up with above max HP was because I got hit with the indirect damage encounter card and just didn't have a way to heal up Shadowcat on the last round and also finish off Absorbing Man and clear all the threat. Just played an ally to get the last bit of damage in and that brought me back to a total of 7 HP left.

I appreciated this round because the games seemed to go faster than some of the previous rounds. There isn't as much to keep track of with Absorbing Man other than adding the threat counters at the beginning of the round along with the standard threat.