Coulson's Response (Rise of Red Skull)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Blackhaven · 12

Coulson > Rapid Response > Repeat.

I'm trying out Strength in Numbers, as a way to have some scaling potential while keeping the curve at 2 or less.

Quinjet is so we can actually play Captain Marvel.

Surveillance Team isn't super great, but I needed to get to 14 Justice cards and wanted something cheap, hero-phase, and non-permanent (you want to keep drawing Justice cards, since Rapid Response takes care on the Leadership trigger Superhuman Agility). I could consider Followed, or another Counterintelligence. The one cool thing Surveillance Team does is potentially set up a Clear the Area.


After playing some more, I think it's better to play all 3 double resources, cutting the Quinjet and a Surveillance Team. Speaking of Surveillance team, the deck is lacking damage a little bit, so I would look into something like a Followed, a Jessica Jones, a Beat Cop, or even a Stealth Strike.


Mar 25, 2023 SpanishMalcolm · 63

Valoración del mazo:
Control de la amenaza: Sobrepasado
Daño: 2,6 sobre 5,0
Motor de recursos: Sobrepasado
Protección / sanación: 4,6 sobre 5,0
Motor de robo: 4,6 sobre 5,0
Control y estados: 5,0 sobre 5,0
Valor global del mazo: 3,9 sobre 5,0

Deck Rating:
Threat control: Overrun
Damage: 2,6 out of 5,0
Resource Engine: Overrun
Protection / Healing: 4,6 out of 5,0
Steal Engine: 4,6 out of 5,0
Control and statuses: 5,0 out of 5,0
Overall deck value: 3,9 out of 5,0