She-Hulk Solo (One Deck to Rule Them All)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

urloony · 356

Will handily defeat Rhino, Claw, and Ultron usually on the first try. I was able to defeat Ultron the first time through (also the first time I ever played against Ultron) keeping him on scheme stage 2.
It has not been tested in expert mode.

Strategies This deck is designed to keep threat very low, preventing the villain from developing their scheme while burning them down. Deploy fast, using almost every card in your hand each turn. Switch between forms every round to prevent threat and to take advantage of the 2 damage caused entering hero form. That 2 damage is quite often used to dispatch a minion or as bonus damage on the villain. Healing/Recovery is not needed, once you draw Gamma Slam, keep it and use as your finisher on the Villain.

Must Play Cards

  • Daredevil
  • Helicarrier
  • Surveillance Team (play with multiples on the table when able)
  • For Justice! (when played with a Mental Resources will remove a side scheme in one turn)
  • One-Two Punch
  • Gamma Slam

Weaknesses Claw is the most difficult Villain to defeat when played with Masters of Evil. When a strong minion engages you, burn them down fast and then refocus on the villain.

Weak Cards

  • Jessica Jones (Side schemes are not usually around long enough to benefit)
  • Avengers Mansion (Mental resource can be used for For Justice!, but Mansion is seldom played) --> Possible swap for Enhanced Awareness
  • Focused Rage (Like Avengers Mansion, card draw is not really needed if you are emptying your hand, or are down to one card each round, as you should be to keep the deck moving).