Scarlet Witch Justice Final Versionvs. Loki Solo Champions L

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

yodaman1971 · 68

This is the final version of the Scarlet Witch Justice deck I played in Round 1 of Season 14 of the Solo Champions League. The games were against Loki with Band of Badoon and Whispers of Paranoia as the modular sets along with the ever present Infinity Gauntlet.

Pretty standard S.H.I.E.L.D. build although I did include Professor X and Snowguard since I figured they'd help.

Game 1 - Win in 15 rounds. Completely clean. 0 threat left on schemes, 0 HP left on Loki, no minions, 15 HP total between Scarlet Witch and allies

Game 2 - Win in 17 rounds. Not quite clean. 2 threat left on main scheme, 0 HP left on Loki, no minions left, 11 HP total on Scarlet Witch and allies. I was trying to be cheeky and played a Hex Bolt hoping to clear the threat and defeat Loki at the same time, but got too much damage even with a redraw with Scarlet Witch's ability and took out Loki before I could get off the last 2 threat

Game 3 - Win ins 26 rounds (yes, you read correctly - 26 rounds). Completely clean win. 0 threat left on schemes, 0 HP left on Loki, no minions left, 15 HP total between Scarlet Witch and allies.