Into the Med Lab-verse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ClassyRobot · 5469

The multiverse is breaking and needs to be healed. Luckily we have a Med Lab for that.

Med Lab is yet another bonkers blue card added to Leadership. Building for it should include 2 things:

  • allies with strong “enter play/from hand” abilities
  • the ability to get into AE/stay in AE to recur the ally safely and consistently.

Oh hi Miles.

Web Warriors benefit when allies leave play. Many of those Allies have great enter play triggers. Champions like Vivian have impressive enter play triggers as well.

My personal favorite ally for Med Lab is the Superior Spider-Man, Otto Octavius. He gets you a card with Web of Life and Destiny and consistently a card when he enters if you have a Web-Shooter out. You can play him and get a card, have him go immediately out to consequential damage, get a card from that, and attach him to Med Lab.

Now, there are some allies you want to AVOID when using Med Lab. You should NEVER attach Moon Girl as you’ll never be able to play her from Alter Ego. However, she loves Regroup. Peter Parker would also require his sometimes tough stipulation of resources if you attach him. He prefers Make the Call. Lastly, Peni’s gimmick means you’ll never need to attach her.

There you have it! You’ll have plenty of Allies out at all times and even more ways to keep them there. The only downside is you don’t have enough ways to increase your ally limit!


Feb 27, 2023 Schmendrix · 5445

This deck looks really cool!