Colossus - Educated

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Durand · 61

Colossus was built to use his toughness as a resource, but the existing card pool leaves much to be desired in helping him access toughness, especially outside of protection. What he does have, is very efficient access to toughness through his Steel Skin ability, Bulletproof Protector events, and Organic Steel upgrades. To this end, the power of Mutant Education comes to Colossus' rescue to provide ready access to his very strong and versatile kit.

The core of this build, then, is just the 3x Mutant Education and 3x Limitless Stamina. Everything else is flexible. But this particular deck is meant to also make use of his very strong team-up with Wolverine. Wolverine is already a powerhouse of an ally, and his synergy with Fastball Special and X-Mansion make him fit naturally into what this deck already wants (since X-Mansion powers up Mutant Education).

The rest of the upgrades just boost Wolverine's and Colossus's attack, building up Fastball Special further; plus, Deft Focus is included for Colossus' recurring hero cards and Limitless Stamina, with special emphasis on Organic Steel and Steel Fist. Unshakable makes him very tough to lock down.

A couple supports are sprinkled in to give even more attack and and a bit more economy with the X-Jet. Also, War Room is a great include since Wolverine will be very sticky and a ready source of activating its response for some extra thwarting.

For allies, Psylocke is thrown in for even more ready confusion (and her cost is hardly noticeable once Colossus has a couple toughs and his Titanium Muscles. Magik is included mostly for theme, but getting rid of minions is always a boon since they're less sources of pinging the toughs away. Magik could be substituted for Sunfire, Dust, or the always useful Professor X as you like.

Finally, Team Strike has great synergy as a means of making use of your boosted ally attack for longer, and giving Wolverine a turn to regenerate more of his health.

The end result is a deck that can do everything you need. Colossus will go whole games without ever defending. He can thwart well with his boosted 2 THW stat and Limitless Stamina, and his ladies Shadowcat and Psylocke; and, he will shut down the villains schemes very consistently on his turns in alter-ego with confuse and Armor Up. He and his team melt enemies of all sorts and once he is built you will have an overwhelming economy, getting tons of draw after stacking your hero kit on the bottom of your deck (with the power of education) and getting a ton of draw of from Iron Will with Bulletproof Protector, Steel Fist, and Made of Rage. Get out there and show those villains what a little education can do, Champions!