Gambit - Cajun Deluxe Turbo Draw (No Aspect)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kesari86 · 25

The purpose of this deck is to recycle your hero cards and X-Men allies by building an engine that also lets you draw and keeps your hand big and fresh with Assess the Situation, Mutant Education and X-Men Instruction.

Assess the Situation can get you up to +3 hand size until the end of the phase, while Mutant Education and X-Men Instruction cost 0 resources, let you draw a card when The X-Jet is in play, and let you put back up to 2 hero cards and 2 X-Men allies respectively, wich means that if you don't have any hero card or X-Men allies in your discard pile, you can still draw a card with X-Mansion in play, and if not, you still got an Energy Resource to pay for another card.

Speaking of resources, Molecular Acceleration is a card you want to always be cycling into your deck, and if possible, playing it in hero form to get full value from it. With 2 copies of these and the 3 basic resource cards, you have enough to pay for big cards while The X-Jet and X-Gene get into play.

Since The X-Jet generates a resource for a X-Men identity, play Honorary X-Men on your hero to get the X-Men trait while in AE form, and also getting an extra HP. This also lets you ready in AE form when an X-Men ally enters play and Utopia is in the board, wich means you can thwart twice with your AE ability.

Use you allies to ready you, block for you, and thwarting, leave the damage dealing to Gambit. Angel is a cheap block, Storm thwarts for 2 and can juggle 2 more threat between schemes, Colossus comes in Tough, the same for Rogue, who can also be played for 0 resources and lets you play Beauty and the Thief. Longshot can benefit from your Thief Extraordinaire ability if you need to remove a non-elite minion, Professor X is another Confused status card for the villain, and Forge helps setting up the board by fetching supports with the X-Men trait.

The only supports Forge can't fetch in this deck are Moira MacTaggert, who will get you an extra card everytime you flip to Hero form, and The Thieves Guild, wich can also get you an extra card if played right. So when using it, don't be like me and thwart first with your allies and then with Thief Extraordinaire, you'll thank me later.

Hope you like the deck and enjoy it as much as I do.