Miles and his amazing friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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GrundySmash · 22

season 13 round 4 of champions solo league Deck can be thinned by removing two copies of team training and plan B.

Some interesting interactions in this scenario

snowguard can be used as a big health battery against sandman

moon girl is ideal for knocking down the sand counters each round

superior spider-man Otto Octavius can ready web shooters to draw a card

Ganke and the champions bunker allow for deck cycling to get to the cards you need when you need them.

Peter Parker spider-man is a great target for across the spider-verse and provides Miles some much needed ready ability.

overall fun deck. It can stall out and lead to longer rounds but all my games were clean with lots of hero health.