Miles has status

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ebmetz · 2

This deck has a major goal and a minor goal.

Both have to do with the key card - Arachnobatics.

Major goal: status cards. This deck should FLOOD your enemy with stuns and confusions - while also splashing you with some toughs. The "protection" here isn't traditional defending. It's making sure your enemy can't attack (or scheme) in the first place. And of course - adding status cards to the villain makes Arachnobatics an 8-damage card with a 1-cost. Pretty stellar.

(Of course, Electrostatic Armor and Energy Barrier are here to help deal damage to the villain when you DO want to defend - and Never Back Down can add a stun.)

Minor goal: replaying your best cards quickly. This deck gives you multiple ways to put the good cards right back into your hand. The key is to build into the best turn: get both status cards onto your villain, then try to play Arachnobatics twice (at least) in the same turn for 16 damage.