Hulk, “yo sista” smash build V1.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Descrygaming · 288

Welcome to the Ultimate Sista and Brotha Smash Deck.

Key Strategies:

1) Early game is economy and allies, mulligan attack events. Helicarrier, mansion, enhanced physique's are very important if you want those 20-30+ damage turns. 2) Always get out she hulk, do not mulligan her or discard her. Second, utilize the honorary avenger on her and first aid when she is at the max. 3) Use heimdall and lockjaw as your main thwarters. 4) Banner's ability: discard the "you'll pay for that" since you can't use it and LockJaw is also a good discard choice.

Tip: two Hulk smashes can be used in one basic attack.

Lastly, if facing a heavy minion deck, put in hall of heroes.