Hulk - with great biceps comes great responsibility

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Old Ben · 1168

This is a solo deck I've been working on for Hulk.

Okay, so I'm a bit of a special snowflake and am constantly looking for non-standard ways to build decks. In this case that may well prove to be a bit of an error as I have pretty consistently struggled to actually achieve much in the way of success with this deck, or teh protection deck I tried previously. It may well be that Aggression or Leadership Hulk is much smarter option. However, I suspect much of that may be an essential weakness to Hulk himself...

Here's the problem - a hand size of 4 when the most common cost of a card in his deck is 3 is highly restrictive. In theory the big resource cards, like Limitless Strength help mitigate this, but in my experience the chances of these coming along with just the right card to play at the time is really low, and the fact that you can't hold them in hand to use later is really punishing.

The number of turns I pull a Thunderclap when not engaged with minions, an Sub-Orbital Leap when I have threat under control, or Hulk Smash when I'm exhausted for the turn is... incredibly frustrating. And as soon as something happens to force you to discard a card (I'm looking at you, Radioactive Man!), your turn is often transformed into a steaming pile of trash.

The main problem I have found playing hulk solo is managing threat, hence Justice. For Justice! and Sub-Orbital Leap are really great ways to clear threat in big chunks, and Beat Cop and, with your big hit point pool, Great Responsibility are really nice at keeping it under control. Further, Counterintelligence and Under Surveillance give you that mid game protection from a big hit.

Perhaps surprisingly, I cut Concussive Blow after playing a few games and never justifying using it. I'm also unsure about the usefulness of the allies, but that might just be that I always seem to draw them in the same hand as something more important.

Anyway, it's fairly early doors with Hulk, and he's certainly a challenging hero to play, so there's probably a lot of learning needs doing before we can start to learn how to win reliably with him. If you've done any better I'd love to hear how it's gone for you.