Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KennedyHawk · 17666

This deck tries to monopolize on allies to get the job done.

Spider-man has one of the best allies from the core set. So Milligan hard for Black Cat, get an inspired on her and see what happens with a free two damage a turn.

This deck works great in solo and multiplayer. In solo Spider-Man can defend, use allies to thwart and slowly black cat will chip away at he villain (along with some web kicks). Using Get Ready on an inspired black cat is a great source of damage (2 damage for one card from hand). Your plan should be to play allies and burn them quick keeping threat off the main scheme while you attack when there is an opening.

In multiplayer you can grab allies from everyone’s discard constantly making them better.

Some card swap options: -2x Get Ready -1x Make the Call +2x First Aid +1x Triskelion

Allies are only good if they stay in the field. This set up gives you allies some survivability. It basically keeps high health allies around forever as you can keep healing then with first aid. Since your allies will last longer we bring along the Triskelion in case you ever want a fourth friend in your party.