Ant-Man vs. Hela Solo Champions League Season 12 Round 4

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

yodaman1971 · 68

This is the deck I used in Season 12, Round 4 of the Solo Champions League.

Game 1 - Clean win. 14 Rounds. 16 HP left between Ant-Man and allies

Game 2 - Clean win. 18 Rounds. 16 HP left between Ant-Man and allies

Game 3 - Clean win. 20 Rounds. 14 HP left between Ant-Man and allies

The games were all really long.

I prioritized Wrist Gauntlets to have access to stun and confuse and also tried to get Ant-Man's Helmet out early too to get extra card draw and healing. Snowguard was great for getting rid of 9 threat total. The Army of Ants were ideal for deaing with tough (which shows up a lot). A key strategy was letting Hela get her upgrades on her and then flipping her to get rid of all of them at once whenever I could. Honestly, the one card I think I never used was Repurpose. It was there just in case of an emergency and more often than not I used them to pitch to Wrist Gauntlets to confuse Hela at various times. Maybe First Aids would have been more helpful in the deck than Repurpose since they could help keep Snow-Guard around longer and also get more use out of Odin, but those Energy resources were clutch with Wrist Gauntlets.