Ronan Solo Rush(Standard)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CyclopsWasRight · 7

Ultra aggro solo deck. 75% win rate over 50+ solo Ronan games.

Why shadowcat: Shadowcat is a great solo rusher due to 1.phased form negates any dmg from ronan attack 2.phased form ignores “guard” keyword, specifically 7 hp kree lieutenant

Game plan: 1.mulligan all hero thwart, hero upgrade cards, keep all attack cards 2.go face only 3.try to end your phase in phased form. Usually you’ll start the phase in solid form and tapped(due to defend Ronan attack in phased form), attack odd times you’ll end in “phased”, attack even times you’ll end in “solid” 4.use Marvel boy or audacity to get rid of “tough” status so you don’t waste dmg