An Aggressive Cyclops on a Budget

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KFrosty · 14

This deck was made with both new players and veterans in mind, (while also giving veteran player the chance to customize as they see fit). Despite the website saying that this deck needs 24 packs you'll only need 5: Mutant Genesis, Cyclops, Phoenix, Wasp, and of course, the Core Set.

As Cyclops is able to utilize X-Men allies of ANY aspect, it makes it nearly impossible to recommend anything other than an ally heavy deck. While these are the allies l like to use, feel free to switch out any of the allies for any others you see fit (most obviously, they should be X-Men).

The main reason you'll want to get the Wasp pack is because of the invaluable card Boot Camp. As your deck is going to be Ally heavy, this card makes each and every one of your allies become stronger. Combined with Team attack, this deck will have many turns with big swings. Into the Fray and Surprise Attack are also two very good aggression cards that just work really well in most aggression decks.

The other support cards are focused as mana sources, and ways for you to get as many allies as possible.

The obvious next packs players should be looking into when buying this are the upcoming X-Men packs, as the more X-Men Cyclops has, the merrier. If you don't wish to wait, Valkyrie has some cards that help this decks ally focus well, along with Galaxy's Most Wanted giving Cyclops a wider array of aggression cards that will boost his combat capabilities.

I hope you guys enjoy this deck, and hope this helps everyone have a good start with the first X-Man!