Guardians Gathering

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rhallor · 7

This deck is a fun Theme build that includes all the Guardians from Basic and Leadership cards other than Yondu (because he's crap). It focuses on spamming allies with lots of damage and thwart.


Sep 29, 2022 TonyStark · 47

Yondu's crap? If you're looking for an Ally with a lot of damage, give him a couple upgrades. He doesn't take consequential damage on his attack, so he can be a repeatable source of 3+ damage every round (like a third Element Gun).

Sep 29, 2022 Rhallor · 7

@TonyStark has anyone told you you're a genius? On your recommendation, I've republished after removing a Comms Implant and replacing it with Yondu.