Agressive She-Hulk - TEST

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

EtiCaraSoft · 2349

Agressive She-Hulk Only card needed to keep in mind for long game is the Gamma Slam can take down the last enemy mode with one hit.

Combat Training as a 2 off because we can have more than 1 active, and we're playing on solo.

Chase Them Down is the best cart to try to keep the plans in a way we can handle, because to take advantge of She-hulk transformation we need to go to Jennifer Walters often.

Relentless Assault is an interesting card but only with the overkill ability and Uppercut it's quite expensive but we need those symbols.

This deck symbols are trying to keep Hulk as many time on the table as possible and trying to do 5 damage on activation on at least 4 being 26 cards of punch an energy against 14 for mental. It's important to keep in mind the attack order to make Tigra last as much as posible.