Wasp - Divide and Conquer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10648

Playing this deck right now!

The idea is to use Repurpose to boost either your THW or ATK, as needed, and thwart multiple schemes / attack multiple enemies using GIANT form's ability to divide you basic activations over multiple targets.

Then, do it all over again because you can ready some more from Ever Vigilant (you need Bio-Synthetic Wings for AERIAL) or What Doesn't Kill Me. Don't forget repurpose boosts you until the end of the round!

Allies were chosen to draw, tutor key events, or stun/block. With Forcefield Generator, Energy Barrier and Bio-Synthetic Wings you also got damage mitigation.

Lots of cool cards are also so you can shuffle them back with G.I.R.L.


Jul 27, 2022 Zack · 34

Don’t you would like ingenuity in this deck?

Jul 27, 2022 neothechosen · 10648


aww man! I knew I forgot something!

Thanks... take 2 to follow!