Protection SP//dr Suit

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

szafix · 1

Sp//dr instantly caught my attention thanks to crazy shenianigans, multiple ready-your-hero abilities and RIDICULOUS resource generation per turn. Protection is my favourite aspect, both solo and team-play wise, I also fell in love with Web-Warrior tribal decks.

There are probably some ways to improve this deck and hopefully time will bring it, but there are some crucial synergies and baselines you should understand while playing Sp//Dr.

  1. Remember you can exhaust both your identity cards in the same turn! Yes, you can Recover AND Attack/Thwart/Draw cards.

  2. Remember your pilot card is also an Interface Upgrade! So you can exhaust her for resources (Wild!) as well as ready her with All Systems Go!.

  3. Between WebLife, Across the Spiderverse, Unflappable, Avengers Mansion, and Aunt&uncle, you will absolutely bypass your 3-card hand size two-fold or even three-fold on some turns. I suggest you mulligan hard for interface upgrades/All systems Go! (to get more interfaces), then make sure you get all your draw cards out.

  4. Once you get there, you should have no problem defending like crazy with DEF5, triggering Hard to ignore, and you can finally focus on getting all the Spiders out and just rocking the town.

  5. Med-Teams are really late game cards, reserved for 6/6 VEN#m and Peter Parker (more hero readying is always better).


Jul 21, 2022 Danimal0808 · 426

I had the thought as this, but your build seems solid so I'm trying it out.