B52 Valkyrie

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

wave · 1

So, first deck list here and it was one I wanted to share as it has become one of my favorites. I always play with a friend so this build is multiplayer friendly.

The object here is to quickly get down Honed Technique as it will greatly boost your damage while playing our very red heavy deck list.

After dropping Honed Technique you want to as quickly drop down all the upgrades asap, especially Aragorn as it grants us the Aerial trait which is vital to the build as we will be dive bombing for days.

The way I typically play this deck is to mulligan for Aragorn or Honed Technique first, and maintain by using her built in kit for early presence.

Mid to late game you will be using No Quarter with your Follow Throughs to get insane card draw to further extend your plays as we will be looking for Dive Bombs for damage. We also have 3 Looking for troubles and 2 Chooser of the Slain with Bring It for a ton of card draw. Once the deck is thinned out enough you will quickly be drawing through your entire deck with this card list. I have personally played through my deck twice with good uses of No Quarter + Honed Technique and Looking for trouble + Chooser of the Slain + Bring it.

For threat management we have Into the Fray with 1-3 Followed Through gives a hefty threat reduction off the main scheme off one poor minion, which we can bring out with Chooser of the Slain and Looking for Trouble which gives us either card draw and more threat control. Lastly we also have Flight of the Valkyrior for side scheme.

For sustain and very easy healing we couple our Follow Throughs with our Dive Bombs. We also have a Godlike Stamina which could go to X3 if you wanted but I use just one for those pesky stuns, but with her kit it isn't needed at X3.

Lastly our damage dealing is going to be Dive Bomb. This card and Honed Technique gives us very high burst damage and basically a board wipe. With the constant Dive Bombs plus our build we have a constant supply of counters on Hall of heroes that I have personally been unable to spend more than I was making.

But I think that's all I have to say for this write up, If there is any questions feel free to ask and I will answer when I can.