Aggression Spidey

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kailephelps · 4

Spidey Synergies:

Spiderman - Combat Training gives solid 3 ATK option (with Aunt May and Backflip you do not need to defend) Spider Tracer/Swinging Web Kick - goes well with minion control (Tigra, Relentless Assault). Allows you to save web kick for the villain Black Cat - mental resources (Chase them Down, Tigra)

Main reason to play Spidey aggression is to help with minion control. Chase Them Down and Tigra are probably your most relevant cards as they are both mental resources and synergize with Black Cat and they are also big on helping out with Spidey's low THW and lack of ability to deal with little threats.