Ghost-Spider - Dizzy Bait

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BoosBeau · 15


This was built with casual play in mind; it has not been tested in expert.

Ghost-Spider's Dizzying Reflexes ability is amazing! Constantly being able to ready up really keeps you in the action. Her event suite is impressive:

     • 3 Phantom Flip

     • 3 Ghost Kick

     • 2 Web Binding

     • 2 Pirouette and Punch.

Her ability and event cards are further supported with synergy pieces like George Stacy and Web-Bracelet. Her toolkit excels with protection, but plays well with the other aspects.

Her alter-ego ability is sometimes useful for shuffling Ticket to the Multiverse back into the deck for another double energy card, but I usually find myself in hero form for the vast majority of the game. Decks with aspects other than protection (or more focus on George Stacy) might find her ability more relevant.
"Dizzy Bait"

This deck looks to capitalize on Ghost-Spider's incredible Dizzying Reflexes by defending against the villain's attacks in both phases and playing responses/interrupts.

This synergizes with Web-Bracelet and Unflappable to draw some extra cards. Store a few Assess the Situation on George Stacy for a few extra cards when you need it.

Get your upgrades out early, get attacking, and defend against the villain all while drawing cards and dealing damage back!
When to defend?

Yes. Always.

In protection, Ghost-Spider often feels invincible because she basically gets a free defend if she uses a defense event (which she wants to do). Upgrades like Electrostatic Armor, Flow Like Water, Hard to Ignore, and Unflappable all benefit from you defending (and usually not taking damage).

Keep in mind, there are some encounter cards (like Rhino's Stampede) that may change how you decide to defend, but usually you always defend.
Always defend? I can't defend on my turn...

Bait and Switch. The deck's namesake.

With only 1 thwart, you don't want to be using Ghost-Spider to thwart as a basic power. Hard to Ignore can take care of the threat per turn, but Bait and Switch is your bread and butter. Yeah Phantom Flip takes out more threat, but Bait and Switch let's you defend during the player phase.

This is great! Now we can play another defense event. Hard to Ignore and Unflappable will be exhausted from the villain phase, but you can still use Electrostatic Armor and Flow Like Water. This is also a way to get use out of the second Web-Bracelet (instead of trying to play two events for the same defend).
Things to consider

•    George Stacy - This is an unbelievable card. The ability to keep three events stored can make your turns very flexible. I will often keep a defense event or two and Pirouette and Punch on him just as a backup plan. You don't have to put Assess the Situation on him every chance you get; keeping a spot or two open can really help.

•    Ghost Kick & Phantom Flip - You can play these events after ANY basic power. For example; during the villain phase I could defend against the attack, pay 2 resources and play Ghost Kick to deal 6 damage to the villain (or use Phantom Flip for thwart).

•    Web-Bracelet - Only one of these can be used after an event is played. Even though there are two separate copies, "Max" applies across all copies of a card ("Limit" is the term that applies per copy).

•    Never Back Down - I know this card seems counter-intuitive (since it stops the villain from attacking you), but hear me out. This thing rocks in multiplayer. It will make you friends. One resource to get +2 DEF and stun the villain for the next player! It also has uses for stunning the villain so you can defend against and deal with minions.
Ghost-Spider is so much fun to play and is really strong in both solo and multiplayer. I rarely play expert, but I expect this deck would run fine in expert with a few tweeks. I am really excited to try her with some different aspects.

Thanks so much for reading and have fun! <3

                                                                                                             ~ Boo's Beau