Solo Champions League S10R5 - Doctor Strange Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Doctor Strange Leadership SCL S10R5 2 1 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

energythief · 14

Inspired by @DarthColejoy's deck:

With the 4 units provided for this round I added the Marketplace card Hyper Thrusters to control threat.

Went 2-1 with clean boards for my wins. I would have probably won the third game but I miscalculated the overkill damage by 1 point and didn't leave myself enough margin to survive Ronan's attack. : (

And yes the deck size is larger than normal (48 cards with Hyper Thrusters included) - but the three copies of Spiritual Meditation effectively reduce the size to 42. In testing, I found that going smaller led numerous times to turns where my deck would run out pretty much the same time the encounter deck did, making it a wall of problems to deal with all at once. That's probably just illusionary bias or a side-effect of my playstyle but adding the extra cards allowed me to better control when I decked out.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I played Standard 1 + Expert 1.