SCL 1004 - Venom comes out swinging

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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TraceAE · 9

Fight against Red Skull + Hydra Assault + Masters of Evil using S2E2 2x Rescued Hero from Taskmaster

Use Tactical Scanner on the first turn to set up as many weapons/allies as possible

Knowhere / The Triskelion really only need one of these on the field for more allies, with this much burst it isn't cost-effective to get both down

Squirrel Girl is really only used for if the 4 Enraged Symbiote come out, and with Make the Call is pretty easy to bring back as needed

Nick Fury / White Tiger can both draw 3 cards with a requirement on White Tiger being from hand and 3rd stage, with Nick Fury being a great target for Prison Camps

"Welcome Aboard" / Band Together are both amazing resource cards

Pulse Grenade is mostly me trying out a card I forgot about, Thanks to the Masters of Evil minions, sometimes whiffed. Used to get rid of some tough statues cards, and initial damage on minions with a chance to insta-defeat

Hawkeye is a pet card of mine, great for getting damage out if you are stuck with cards in hand with no way to pay

A little low on thwarting power, so make sure to keep the threat low with Multi-Gun, Behind Enemy Lines, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Spider-Man, and White Tiger

Venom's ability is great for paying for the rescued hero's effect, or if you need just a bit more buying power