Spider-Man the protector of Manhattan

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CVdantespeak · 121

Last Update:

Protection deck of spiderman used on the last campaign of sinister motives.

The aim is:

avoid the damage with Voltereta hacia atrás and Ni un paso atrás

anti encounter cards with Sentido arácnido mejorado and ¡Poneos detrás de mí!

Healing with Tía May and What Doesn't Kill Me

Allies: Yocasta (to find events) Warlock (heal him in alter ego) Hermano Vudú (to find events)

Attack: Return the Favor and Balanceo con patada

Intervention: Maniobra engañosa and allies