Adam Warlock Luchador Extraordinaire

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Starlordxx · 149

Go nuts with everything, burn the deck as fast as you can until you get Soul World and Symbiote in play. Then you can worry about Mansion, Sorcerer Supreme, and any other support or upgrade you like.

In the mean time, you also have Summoning spell, which will hopefully get cast twice thanks to Black Panther, grabbing you Captain America (or Pip if you're unlucky). Then, use Command the Team to get double activations out of Captain each turn until consequential damage defeats him and you get to Rapid Response him back into play.

Use Assault Training to shuffle Magic Attack back into your deck (which you can dig for using Plan of Attack). Also use Vigilante Training to shuffle Zone of Silence back into your deck.

Mill your deck as much as you can until you get plenty of counters on Soul World and remove one to heal back up to 21 whenever you drop to an unsafe amount of health. Note: Remember, that in order to used Soul World's 2nd ability, you must be in Alter Ego Form. Of course that won't be an issue when you draw up to 14 cards for the next turn depending on how many support and upgrade cards you have out that increase hand size or draw extra cards