Titan Slayer (Expert MTS solo)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fry · 248

I did finish the campaign, but Thanos and Hela were both rough in different ways. Thanos has very beefy minions, and Space Stone will fetch them out so you'll definitely see them. Hard Knocks came in to deal with those, and stayed around for the gatekeepers of Hel's domains. Meanwhile, Hela asks you to thwart a ton, especially right at the beginning. Both of those fights, as well as Loki, will force you into Alter Ego at times, and there's a real risk you'll get schemed out when that happens.

Mantis is the glue that holds the deck together. Between thwarting and healing, there's always something for her to do. Try to save as many of your Med Team counters for her as you can, you'll need the help!

Jump Flip will be huge for this deck, I expect. Try swapping them in for Shake it Off (which is great when it works, don't get me wrong, but felt clunky in a lot of hands). At that point, between Jump Flip and Side Step, it's probably worth getting a Nerves of Steel to pay for them.

First Aid was in the deck for a while, but had to be cut for the Hard Knockses.

Leading Blow, C.I.T.T. and DWI Theet Mastery combine for mega value, convert cards into damage and more cards. Just remember you can't Leading Blow when you're stunned, the enemy is Tough, or you're Frozen.

Gamora is generally a good Ally, but she's only just OK in this deck. Might try Lockjaw or someone else in that slot.