Hulk - Boost that ATK and smash the problem!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Designhacker · 559

This deck is built to stack Hulk's already high ATK, and allow him to use his basic DEF more often, limiting the amount of time you need to spend in alter-ego form. As always, his economy sucks, so do a hard mulligan for Quincarrier and Martial Prowess--if you can get 1 or both of those down in turn 1, you'll have a much easier time setting up the rest.

Aim to build up your ATK with Brute Force, Combat Training, and Boundless Rage, and then leverage it later with Crushing Blow, Quick Strike, Smash the Problem, and The Best Defense.

Have fun!