Ant-Man Protection - Can't Feel a Thing

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NelsonAllOver · 5266

Here is the video that showcases this deck!

Ant Man Hero Spotlight! I am working my way through the heroes playing them in each aspect and right now focusing on Ant Man!

The goal here is to win on the villain's turn. When you are in giant form you have 3 atk and 3 def making a perfect defense strategy pretty viable. Flow Like Water plus Dauntless, plus Energy Barrier, plus Electrostatic Armor can really add up. Add in the Counter-Punch and you can easily be doing 4-6 damage when defending against the villain's attack!

You can find me live playing Marvel Champions every week at or catch my past streams on my Youtube channel: