Star-Lord - Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Agelaus · 14

Designed for Champions Solo League Season 10 Round 2. For more information on this go to

The idea is to use your allies for protection and helping keep things under control. Remember that Star Lords passive is global so it includes cards in hand. This means that Ironheart, Mockingbird, and Nick Fury count as guardians for Knowhere.

Draw as much as possible and whittle Klaw down while keeping threat in check. Try to always have a confusion on Klaw in case he draws a scheming card. One scheme can throw the game.

This deck was designed with all that I had on hand. I am currently missing Vision, Valkyrie, Ant-Man, Warmachine, and the Mad Titans Shadow. I know I would love to add in Chance Encounter from Vision. There may be other cards that would work well.