Quicksilver's Mach 1 Threat Removal

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lairdimus · 13

This deck starts out rather unimpressively, but once Quicksilver has all his attachments he can consistently clear 10-15 threat per turn. That's enough to take care of the main scheme and multiple side-schemes every round, especially if he has even a little help from other players. He is very squishy, however, which is why Down Time and Endurance are in the deck in case the rest of your group isn't able to defend very well. The Beat Cops are immensely helpful as well, able to polish off schemes and side-schemes and can even blow up to take out pesky minions. All in all, this deck keeps the Threat levels low consistently.