Captain America 'Leadership' Avengers Assemble! by Methos

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Methos · 351

The Captain needs his crew!!!

I know 50 cards is a lot for a deck, but keep in mind you are aiming to have 9 supports, 4 upgrades, and 5 ally cards on the table at any given time (6 allies if you get Stinger out), which will reduce the size of your deck significantly. The resource-generating and draw-power of the deck is amazing!

The setup takes several rounds so be sure to play the correct cards or you will lose the game.

I have tested the deck and I find it very fun to play solo and multiplayer with it, although, I would say the deck is better suited for multiplayer games in my opinion. And don't forget that the allies you play also depend on what hero deck the rest of the players will play, so always have a few spare allies with this deck in case you need to change some of them.

Update: after playing over 50 games with this deck, I have won 50 games in a row. The deck is unstoppable!