Nebula - Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fromundaman · 112

This seemed to work pretty well. One Way or Another as well as Daughters of Thanos are great to get started. Economy is pretty good thanks to Knowhere, Nebula's Ship, Ironheart, Clear the Area, Heli and Mansion.

Pretty effective at controlling the villain and keeping yourself protected. Has a decent mix of thwart and a bit of damage, and Nebula's flexibility meshes well with some of the more situational cards in here like Scare Tactics and Brains Over Brawn. You won't use them every time they come up of course, but when you have the right techniques out they can combo pretty well; the rest of the time they're resources. Might replace Lay Down The Laws in the future. I end up rarely going to Alter Ego so these aren't getting as much play time as I expected.

I love Beat Cop as passive Thwart that can also nuke an elite minion if necessary. Maybe I over-value this card but it's one of my favorite Justice cards so it's here in double.

Quake is for minion heavy scenarios, and because I love that character. Martinex and Eros are mainly blockers, but they're there to make use of Knowhere and Team Building Exercise, as well as giving me some flexibility.