Prototype Fin - Yondu Voltron- Venom Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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BananaCrapshoot · 4789

hello champions. today I’m bringing a yondu voltron deck to the table. I’m using venom because he’s my favorite character to play right now and he is able to handle threat and board control while we set up yondu. once we set up yondu he can go wild on the villain. Yondu is so good because he doesn’t take consequential damage for attacking.

Allies- all the allies except yondu offer us some versatility and board control. Rocket helps with minions. Groot helps with defending. Martinex is an efficient ally in general, and major victory gives us access to another ready. yondu is the main focus of the deck. everything we want yondu revolves around yondu.

events- pretty easy, 2 first aids for some heals in case yondu gets hit or we need to thwart in a pinch. and 2 get ready for more yondu activations.

supports- knowhere gives us some economy and bigger board presence. Helicarrier is economy, guardians of the galaxy gives us more economy when we play upgrades on yondu. command teams give us access to more yondu activations. target practice allows us to get a potential 10 damage activation off yondu if all 3 are in play . team training gives our allies more health

upgrades- these are all for yondu. comms implant doesn’t give him more ATK but it does give the 1hp which is a big deal considering yondu only has 2hp. even though he doesn’t take the dmg for attacking I want more health on him to be safe. inspired is just a great ally buff. gets us to 2 ATk. laser blaster gets us to 3 atk and gives us overkill so we can manage board and still ping the villain. sidearm gets yondu to a 4 base atk and he has ranged and overkill.

you want to spend early game building your board and yondu. once yondu is set up it’s pretty straightforward. activate him as much as possible and use venoms great kit to stabilize the board and help finish off the villain.

hope you guys enjoy.