Hulk Like Fire

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

lightninlad · 10

With this deck I wanted to shore up Hulk’s weaknesses with some of the newer cards like Deft Focus and Into The Fray. Once they are down, you will essentially be playing all of his superpowers for free.

The strategy is straightforward, you’ll basically use Bug as your built in free thwart or attack, healing him once you make a basic attack(which is essentially all Hulk does anyway). Cards like Toe to Toe and Into The Fray will help you swat minions for those turns when you find yourself stunned.

Healing is very important for Hulk, since he has a larger health pool then all other characters. What I’ve done is included Ready To Rumble so you can attack on your turn and then flip down, ready up with Ready To Rumble and then heal for 4 or potentially 6 with Banner’s Lab.

Jarnbjorn makes an appearance here, as well as Godslayer. Potentially you can attack with Hulk for 4 thanks to Combat Training and a +2 with Godslayer for a total of 6 damage. Then feed Jarnbjorn a fighting resource for another 2. That basic attack will of course heal bug who did 1 damage that turn and Blade who can be fed a resource(you vampire!!) to get 2 more damage without consequential damage. That’s 11 damage for 2 resources and you can do that EVERY turn. Which is very doable for Hulk’s low hand size. That’s on top of being able to play Hulk’s superpowers for free once all Deft Focus supports are in play.

So that’s the deal, hope you enjoy!


Jan 29, 2022 camsimps · 1

Not to be a buzzkill, but Ready to Rumble is a Hero Response, so you can’t trigger it after flipping down to alter ego. Also, Deft Focus is max 1 per player.