Wasp's Worker Bees

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scotobot · 150

I love idea of Meditation, gives those characters that want to be in alter-ego mode something to exhaust for and really helps speed up their set up.

Looking at other characters, I made the realization that Meditation has a mental resource. So it could be recycled using Nadia's GIRL power. That starred out a look into an Alter-ego Wasp deck which led to this.

This is not an all alter-ego deck. Wasp has too many good cards and forms to be in. You start in alter ego for a while, and flip back to it when you can. Hope to get some good allies out. Mulligan for meditation and a big ally or set up card. Recycle into the deck and then keep moving on. Switch to hero when you get some good events, switch to Alter-ego when you pull a meditation.

A big struggle with alter-ego decks is the thwart. I found Leadership has the most high cost allies, and thwarting seems to be on par with Justie allies. Gives you more activations with leadership cards. Wasp's own ability to split thwart in giant form can also help when you need to clean up some schemes.

The deck can be tailored based on your preferences or need for a villain. Lots of minions? Make sure Hawkeye is there. Ultron? Bring Squirrel girl. Pick and choose allies you think will be useful. Bonus if they have a mental resource so GIRL power can bring them back.

Supports can also vary as you need. Rapid Response is popular, and a mental resource. But it required you to be in hero mode when you use it. I only included 1 because you can recycle it into you deck. I was just rolling with whatever allies I had at the time. Get Ready and Make the Call are good to maximize your allies. Leadership Training was included since we are planning to be in alter ego more than usual. You can use the Get Ready as resources, and bring them back once you have some allies set up. Quincarrier can only be played when you have the avengers trait, so you can't use meditation for it, but you'll be in hero mode enough you might be able to play it.

You can prioritize a bunch of allies, or add more ally upgrades to power them up. Meditation doesn't really support powering up one ally and instead encourages playing new ones for cheap, but you can get some good mileage out of upgrades.

I didn't include a The Triskelion or Avengers Tower as I didn't find an issue with only having three allies at a time. We have a lot of abilities that activate when they are played, so keeping them around for turns didn't give as much value as just playing the next big ally.

There's certainly room for optimization, but the idea is a use Meditation and recycling the card to play those big cards you normally can't!