Black Widow - Rapid Response Team

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


Another test deck being published so that it can be used on Tabletop Simulator.

The objective here is to take advantage of Rapid Response in conjuction with Black Widow's preparation bonuses. Each ally (other than Winter Soldier) provides a benefit when put into play so that the benefits will happen again when Rapid Response brings them back.

Avengers Tower, Helicarrier and Team Building Exercise help bring in the more more expensive allies present in this deck. Command Team and Get Ready allow you to burn through your allies hit points when you have a Rapid Response out, which when combined with Mighty Avengers, should allow you to provide some pretty effective Thwarts and Attacks from your allies, use them up, then return them to play.

My biggest question mark of the deck right now is Mockingbird. While she pairs very well with Black Widow, her not being an Avenger can make her a liability for Avengers Tower and Mighty Avengers. I have included a copy of Honorary Avenger to help with this, but that is counting on a lot of card luck to have them both out at the same time. I think the real strategy with her will be to benefit from her bonuses and then chump block with her. If she does not work out, she can easily be replaced with Falcon.