You come at the king, you best not miss

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

namor · 43

I'm trying to build a BP deck that feels powerful and comfortable during the villain phase. Thematically the idea is that the villains try to attack and sabotage Wakanda but keep getting punished. The main engine is Unflappable, Armored Vest and Electrostatic Armor, but just about every piece of setup is useful from turn 1. Late game you are just cruising through villain phases with powerful events each turn while the board does the rest of the work (economy, threat control, damage, card draw, healing). You defend each turn and never switch back to T'Challa. The deck is very strong and reliable against all of the standard villains (didn't test it against Collector 1, Nebula, Ronan, Thanos, Loki and Hela). My only loss was against Red Skull because of the large amount of side schemes. Please comment and test if you like the general idea and have ideas for improvement.