[True Solo]Captain America - Avengers Assemble Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Gaoler86 · 80

Built to take advantage of Steve Rogers cost reduction, and Caps great hero cards.

plan is to flood the board as quickly as possible with cheap allies to thwart and chump block as necessary. once Triskelion and Tower are up and running you will be able to field 5-6 allies (Stinger!) and then control the board pretty easily. Being able to give each of them +1 in every stat is very handy and takes some of them to great new heights. since a lot of the allies are 1 ATK, we are doubling their attack, and thats pretty sweet.

Expect to cycle through the deck fairly quickly after the first pass, so dont need a lot of card draw or multiple Mass Attack, just hold it in hand until.you get three 2-3 attack allies in play and hit for 10+ damage easily.